I Don't Know Running
I Don't Know Running
Casey Neistat, Matthew Choi, NYC Marathon And The Winter Blues...What A Mix! | Episode 133
With the New York City Marathon having been run a couple weeks ago, there were some things to come out to talk about. And it didn't have to do with who won the race this time. Casey Neistat has been chasing the 3 hour marathon for a little while now. Check out his channel and his latest video on running this years New York City Marathon. Congrat's to him and his journey! So very happy for him and his accomplishment. While that was really cool, something else happened this year that wasn't so cool and the New York City Marathon banned a runner. That runner is Matthew Choi and he has since taken ownership of the mistake and has apologized. Good on him for doing that and if you like running, you'll probably like his channel as well. Take a look at the link below.
Also, we have to discuss the season we're about to step into. Winter Running the the blues that come with it are on the doorstep. What shall we do?
Casey Neistat YouTube Channel link
Matthew Choi YouTube Channel link
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